Byford Podiatry


Orthotics in Byford/ Jarrahdale/ Serpentine/ Cardup

Orthotics are made to support proper function of the foot and lower leg. Orthotics are prescribed to patients, based on their individual requirements, to correct any biomechanical issues that may be causing the patient pain, discomfort, or impeding the use of their lower limbs. By wearing orthotics, pressure is taken off the affected joints and muscles; providing both pain relief and long-term support that can often correct a problem.

Enhance Byford Podiatry pride ourselves on a higher level of expertise and patient care, and prescribe orthotics as a conservative approach to many foot and lower limb problems. The utmost care is taken in ‘casting’ the patient’s foot (either literally or virtually, using digital scanning) so that their orthotics come back from the lab accurate to the finest degree.

Conditions that may be treated with an orthotic: